First Time Home Buyers (DESCRIPTION) Family snapshots. Logo, U.S. Bank, Title, Buying Our First Home: Shavez and Rosa. (SPEECH) My name is Shavez. My name is Rosa. (DESCRIPTION) Photo, Rosa and Shavez hold their toddler's hands. Text, Deciding to buy our first home When we first decided to buy a home, I think we were a little bit overwhelmed with the amount of stuff it requires to have a baby. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Actual customer paid for participation appears below couple Our lease was expiring, and his sister is the real estate agent. So all those things just made it, like, all right, let's do it. Let's start looking for a house. So it was just kind of perfect timing because we've had him in a small apartment for a year, and baby's are not quiet. Yeah, we became the loud people in the apartment. In the middle of 2020, we started looking for houses. And like I said, his sister's a real estate agent, so it was easy. Anytime we found a house, she'd be like, OK, let's do this. Let's go look at it. (DESCRIPTION) Photo, Shavez wears a dress shirt and tie. Rosa holds their son on her lap. Text, Finding the right house in our budget (SPEECH) So what we were looking for-- for one, we definitely needed a second bathroom. I know that's one of our biggest concerns was a second bathroom, more space, a backyard. But it was hard in the beginning because we just didn't know how much a four-bedroom house in this area cost as opposed to a two-bedroom house in this area cost. (DESCRIPTION) Photo, Shavez and Rosa smile with their son. Text, Working with our U.S. Bank Mortgage Loan Officer (SPEECH) We worked with Edwin for U.S. Bank on our mortgage, and he was extremely helpful. A lot of the questions that I had for Edwin was how much could we afford, and then what could we afford? And he was never shy to tell us, hey, this might be stretching a little bit. This is right around where you would be comfortable at. If you want to do this loan type, you won't have to spend this much for savings. I felt kind of silly asking these questions, but I always know that we need the answer. And that's one thing Edwin never made us feel silly to ask a question. So he was always approachable. Even when we settled on this house and we were about to close, we got a packet full of numbers, and we had no idea what any of it meant. So actually, we called him, and he went over with us, page by page, line by line. And that was-- And this is a decent-sized package. It was at least, I want to say, maybe 50 pages or something like that. It was really long. Whenever we needed an answer from Edwin, he was always there. (DESCRIPTION) Photo, Shavez and Rosa smile with their son. Sharing our advice for other first-time homebuyers (SPEECH) If I'm giving advice to someone who's just buying a house, I would say see a bunch of houses. Don't be intimidated, or don't think it's a waste of time. We went in not knowing anything. Some of the houses we thought we couldn’t afford, when they broke it down per month, we actually could. Yeah, I think it's just looking at other houses and looking at potential houses is really fun. It helps you realize-- --what you like. Also, don’t be discouraged that you don’t get the house you really wanted. There are going to be more houses in the neighborhood that you want. You just got to keep going at it. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Excited for moving day (SPEECH) We won't have to worry about neighbors. We won't have to worry about how loud we are. Also, I think that we're just excited to finally be done with everything. It's been a long process, and we just are very ready to move out-- Yes. --and move in, I should say. I'm excited to relax at my own home. [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) Snapshot of house fades in. Snapshot of Rosa, Shavez and son replaces photo pf home. (DESCRIPTION) Logo, U.S. Bank. Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC. ©2021 U.S. Bank.