Make a plan: Short- and long-term financial goals for every stage of your life

February 26, 2024

As you start your career or approach retirement, your short- and long-term financial goals will change. Here’s what to focus on each step of the way.

Over the course of your life, your financial goals will change. And mapping out what you should do — and where you should be financially — as you age is a great way to increase your financial wellbeing now and in the future.

This can be challenging if you don’t know what goals you should be working toward — or how long-term financial goals differ from short-term financial goals. In deciding what to tackle first, it can help to think of short-term goals as moves that can immediately improve your finances and long-term goals as ones that address your financial health in the years to come.

So, as you head into the new year with a renewed sense of purpose about improving your finances, consider aiming for goals tailored to where you are in life.

Stage 1: Just starting out

When you enter the workforce and start collecting a paycheck, you should likely focus on the basics, such as these common short- and long-term financial goals.

Short-term goals:

•  Get a handle on your spending: Evaluating expenses is the first step, because many people aren’t aware of how much they spend. Now that you have money coming in, it’s important to track your spending against your after-tax income to ensure you have enough cash on hand each month for essential expenses (rent, groceries, transportation), debt payments, and all the stuff you want to do or buy. For that, you’ll need to create a budget.

•  Be prepared for an emergency: As you become financially independent from your parents or other family members, you need to have a cash reserve for emergencies and unplanned expenses — think medical bills, car repairs or an extended job loss. You can make your money work harder for you by stashing your emergency fund in a high-yield savings account with a high interest rate. Opening one now means you can earn more on your deposits than with regular savings accounts.

•  Pay down debt: The average American has about $96,371 in debt, including mortgages. And according to credit bureau Experian, average consumer debt balances increased in 2023 — with credit card loans, auto loans and mortgages all going up. While the average student loan balance went down slightly, it was still more than a whopping $38,000. Since it takes longer to get out of debt than it does to get in it, you might want to focus on paying down debt now. Some strategies for doing this include the “snowball” method (paying off debts from smallest to largest), the “avalanche” method (paying off the highest-interest debts first and making minimum payments on the others) and debt consolidation (rolling all your debts into one loan with one payment). With a large amount of debt, however, you might want to bump this goal down to your list of long-term goals. Still, start now.

Long-term goals:

•  Save to buy a home: If you hope to own a home someday, a good strategy is to set up a separate savings account for the down payment you’ll eventually need. Consider a high-yield savings account, money market account or certificate of deposit (CD). Just note that CDs have withdrawal fees if you try to access the money before the chosen term is complete.

•  Begin planning for retirement: You may get some help with this goal at work. If your employer offers a 401(k) retirement plan, you may be automatically enrolled when you start your job. Great! If not, you should consider signing up. Your contributions will come out of your paycheck before taxes, and many employers match contributions.

Stage 2: Building on your foundation

Once you have the basics in place and are seeing your earnings and savings grow, consider more ambitious goals, such as the ones below.

Short-term goals:

•  Be more attractive to lenders: With a major loan like a mortgage in your future, you may want to improve your credit score. Your credit score — a measurement of your credit risk based on your history of borrowing and paying your bills on time — plays a big role in the types of loans you’ll be able to get and the interest you’ll pay. Your score may also affect your insurance premiums and, sometimes, your ability to rent an apartment. Checking your credit report and current score is a good first step. Then make moves to raise it, including paying down debt and staying on top of your bills.

•  Explore entrepreneurship: If you feel stable financially, consider pursuing a side hustle or launching a small business. Have you always wanted to host your own podcast, sell your handmade bags online or moonlight at the local library? Those are promising side hustles that can provide extra income and allow you to keep your full-time job. Conduct market research to see if you can turn your idea into a successful enterprise. Then write your business plan, determine how much funding you’ll need (and your best funding options) and you’re well on your way.

Long-term goals:

•  Pay for future education bills: If you have kids or plan on having kids, the sooner you start saving for their college education, the better. That’s where a tax-advantaged 529 education savings plan comes in. The money you contribute to this account grows on a tax-deferred basis, and withdrawals for qualified education-related expenses are tax-free.

•  Advance your career: It’s never a bad idea to map out your career goals — where do you want to be in two years, five years or 10 years? — and then come up with a plan to achieve them. Do you want to pursue promotions within your current company, move to a different firm or switch careers entirely? Maybe you want to go back to school to learn new skills, or you just want a job that aligns with your values. Whatever your goal is, decide what success looks like to you and come up with a plan for getting there.

Stage 3: Enjoying peak earning years

Most people hit their peak earning years in their 40s and 50s, when all their hard work is finally starting to pay off — literally. While it can be tempting to splurge at this stage (a phenomenon known as “lifestyle creep”), you can pursue these goals and stay on course.

Short-term goals:

•  Do that remodel you’ve been dreaming about: Have you always wanted to update your kitchen, turn your garage into a workshop or create a stylish, rustic living room? Well, if you have the funds, this phase in life is a good time to remodel so that you still have decades to bask in the results. Be sure to set a budget first — and you might need to tap your home equity to help you on your renovation journey.

•  Prepare for the moment your kid says “I do”: By now, your children may be getting ready to pull the marriage trigger. And sorry mom and dad, but weddings can be very expensive. Decide if (and how much) you want to contribute to the big day and start saving. You should also talk to your bride or groom about their plans, discuss some money-saving strategies they might consider and help them create their budget.

•  Reward yourself (and your family): If you’re in a position to do so, and it doesn’t disrupt your other financial goals, budget for a trip or something fun, or even buy a vacation home. You deserve it — and may finally have more funds to spare.

Long-term goals:

•  Ensure your family’s future: That means having an up-to-date will and executor; naming the most appropriate beneficiaries for your retirement accounts, investment accounts and life insurance; and potentially creating a trust. You likely set up many of these things earlier in life, but you should review and potentially revise your estate plans as retirement is drawing closer.

Stage 4: Nearing retirement

As the finish line draws near, these goals may rise to the top of your list.

Short-term goals:

•  Put an actual date on your retirement: This will depend on several factors, including your current job (do you love it or can’t wait to leave?), your savings, the timing of any potential pensions and when you want to collect Social Security. You can start taking Social Security at age 62, but you’ll receive a 7 to 8 percent larger monthly payment for every year you wait until your full retirement age, which is 67 for those born after 1960.

Long-term goals:

•  Prepare for future healthcare costs: Many older adults will need some form of assistance late in life, and long-term care insurance can help mitigate those costs. A policy is also more affordable if you buy it long before you need it — so now might be a good time to look into your options.

•  Craft a second act: You may envision a retirement full of new ventures: the business idea you put on hold, the nonprofit work that has always inspired you, the book you hope to write. Now’s the time to lay the groundwork so you can enjoy everything you’ve worked hard for over the years.

Reviewing and revising goals

Everyone’s life is different. As such, your finances won’t always follow a predictable pattern, and your short-term and long-term financial goals won’t always fit neatly into designated phases. So, check in with yourself occasionally, and reassess.

To stay focused and inspired it helps to have visual cues of your goals. For example, find a picture that represents a goal and make it your phone background, or print out a list and put it on your fridge.

In the end, your main goal should be doing your best; don’t give up if you feel off track or can’t execute a goal. You can always try again, set new goals or change your path entirely.

Explore more ways to create positive money habits so you can bring your goals to life. And discover steps you can take at any age to grow your retirement savings.

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Quit your job to start a business: How to save enough

Tips for talking about money when friends earn more

Choosing your M&A escrow partner

5 tips for creating (and sticking to) a holiday budget

How a 13-year-old created a clothing line that reflects her passions

Money Moments: 3 tips for planning an extended leave of absence

How to test new business ideas

The banking app you need as a new parent

How can I help my student manage money?

Bank from home with these digital features

How a group fitness studio made the most of online workouts

7 steps to keep your personal and business finances separate

3 types of insurance you shouldn’t ignore

Is your employer long term disability insurance enough?

8 steps to choosing a health insurance plan

7 things to know about long-term care insurance

How I did it: Switched career paths by taking an unexpected pivot

The Anaheim Ballet: Making a difference through dance

5 unexpected retirement expenses

Estate planning checklist

Year-end financial checklist

How to prepare for a recession: 6 steps to take

6 tips for trust fund distribution to beneficiaries

Key components of a financial plan

Community and Coffee: How one small business owner is breaking down barriers

3 ways to gain loyalty with your customers

How community gave life to lifestyle boutique Les Sol

How I pivoted my business during COVID-19

Comparing term vs. permanent life insurance

The San Francisco bridal shop that’s been making memories for 30 years

How four women pivoted amidst a pandemic

5 tips for an empty nest

Community behind Elsa’s House of Sleep

How Wenonah Canoe is making a boom in business last

Achieving their dreams through a pre-apprenticeship construction program

How Lip Esteem is empowering women

How I did it: Transitioned from the military to a private sector career

How running a business that aligns with core values is paying off

How Gentlemen Cuts helps its community shine

How to search for jobs (and interview) in a virtual job market

4 steps to finding a charity to support

Meet the Milwaukee businessman behind Funky Fresh Spring Rolls

Tech lifecycle refresh: A tale of two philosophies

How to choose the right rewards credit card for you

5 steps to selecting your first credit card

How to winterize your vehicle

Don’t underestimate the importance of balancing your checking account

How to be prepared for tax season as a gig worker

6 questions students should ask about checking accounts

What you need to know as the executor of an estate

How to build a content team

CRE trends

5 financial benefits of investing in a vacation home

7 diversification strategies for your investment portfolio

Can fantasy football make you a better investor?

A guide to tax diversification and investing

Year end tax planning tips

4 major asset classes explained

ETF vs. mutual fund: What’s the difference?

Effects of inflation on investments

What applying for store credit card on impulse could mean

Credit: Do you understand it?

What types of credit scores qualify for a mortgage?

Test your loan savvy

Webinar: Mortgage basics: What’s the difference between interest rate and annual percentage rate?

How to manage money in the military: A veteran weighs in

How to roll over your 401(k)

4 times to consider rebalancing your portfolio

Credit score help: Repairing a bad credit score

How do I prequalify for a mortgage?

Can you take advantage of the dead equity in your home?

Home equity: Small ways to improve the value of your home

Webinar: Mortgage basics: How much house can you afford?

Is a home equity line of credit (HELOC) right for you?

Webinar: Mortgage basics: 3 Key steps in the homebuying process

Webinar: Mortgage basics: Buying or renting – What’s right for you?

How to use your home equity to finance home improvements

Webinar: Mortgage basics: What is refinancing, and is it right for you?

Should you get a home equity loan or a home equity line of credit?

6 questions to ask before buying a new home

What is refinancing a mortgage?

What is an escrow account? Do I have one?

Quiz: How prepared are you to buy a home?

10 questions to ask when hiring a contractor

What to know when buying a home with your significant other

Webinar: Mortgage basics: How does your credit score impact the homebuying experience?

What is a home equity line of credit (HELOC) and what can it be used for?

Dear Money Mentor: When should I refinance a mortgage?

Building a dream home that fits your life

Are professional movers worth the cost?

First-time homebuyer’s guide to getting a mortgage

Beyond the mortgage: Other costs for homeowners

How I did it: Bought my dream home using equity

Get more home for your money with these tips

Saving for a down payment: Where should I keep my money?

How I did it: Built living spaces to support my family

Community activist achieves dream of homeownership

Bringing economic opportunity to underserved communities one home at a time

Managing the impacts of appraisal gaps in a hot housing market

Is it the right time to refinance your mortgage?

Spring cleaning checklist for your home: 5 budget-boosting tasks

Overcoming high interest rates: Getting your homeownership goals back on track

Is it cheaper to build or buy a house

Starting your homebuying journey

Home improvements with the best ROI

PCS moving checklist for military spouses and families

Home buying myths: Realities of owning a home

Webinar: 11 insider tips for student debt

House Hacks: How buying an investment property worked as my first home

How we did it: Converted to solar power

How to maximize your credit card rewards

How to use credit cards wisely for a vacation budget

Which debt management technique is right for you?

Should you buy a house that’s still under construction?

Dear Money Mentor: How do I begin paying off credit card debt?

10 uses for a home equity loan

Know your debt-to-income ratio

Best travel credit card perks for family vacations

Your guide to breaking the rental cycle

Understanding your military GI Bill benefits

Webinar: How to pay for college

Is a home equity loan for college the right choice for your student

Travel for less: Smart (not cheap) ways to spend less on your next trip

How to apply for federal student aid through the FAFSA

Things to know about the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

Should you buy now, pay later?

Steer clear of overdrafts to your checking account

U.S. Bank asks: Do you know what an overdraft is?

Tips and resources to help in the aftermath of a natural disaster

Tips for working in the gig economy

Which is better: Combining bank accounts before marriage — or after?

Tips to overcome three common savings hurdles

Money Moments: 8 dos and don’ts for saving money in your 30s

Save time and money with automatic bill pay

A passion for fashion: How this student works the gig economy

Money Moments: 3 smart financial strategies when caring for aging parents

Helpful tips for safe and smart charitable giving

Growing your savings by going on a ‘money hunt’

Why a mobile banking app is a ‘must have’ for your next vacation

Tips to raise financially healthy kids at every age

How to avoid being the victim of a digital payments scam

Is it time to get a shared bank account with your partner?

How I kicked my online shopping habit and got my spending under control

How to financially prepare for a military PCS

How to set yourself up for success in your first job

How to stay positive when searching for a job

Friction: How it can help achieve money goals

It's possible: 7 tips for breaking the spending cycle

What to consider before taking out a student loan

Earning in the gig economy: Gladys shares her story

Financial checklist: Preparing for military deployment

Here’s how to create a budget for yourself

Common unexpected expenses and three ways to pay for them

Webinar: Common budget mistakes (and how to avoid them)

Checking and savings smarts: Make your accounts work harder for you

Are savings bonds still a thing?

3 awkward situations Zelle can help avoid

Allowance basics for parents and kids

9 simple ways to save

Do you and your fiancé have compatible financial goals?

3 ways to keep costs down at the grocery store (and make meal planning fun)

What military service taught me about money management

Money muling 101: Recognizing and avoiding this increasingly common scam

From LLC to S-corp: Choosing a small business entity

Is online banking safe?

How-to guide: What to do if your identity is stolen

8 tips and tricks for creating and remembering your PIN

Recognize. React. Report. Caregivers can help protect against financial exploitation

Recognize. React. Report. Don't fall victim to financial exploitation

5 tips for seniors to stay a step ahead of schemers

Webinar: U.S. Bank asks: Are you safe from fraud?

Learn to spot and protect yourself from common student scams

College budgeting: When to save and splurge

How I did it: Paid off student loans

The A to Z’s of college loan terms

How to save money in college: easy ways to spend less

The password: Enhancing security and usability

BEC: Recognize a scam

Top 3 ways digital payments can transform the patient experience

Hospitals face cybersecurity risks in surprising new ways

3 European market trends to watch

Costs to consider when starting a business

How Shampoo’ed is transforming hair and inspiring entrepreneurs

Questions to ask before buying a car

Should you give your child a college credit card?

Overdrafts happen: Steps to get you back on track

Webinar: Uncover the cost: Building a home

Webinar: Mortgage basics: Prequalification or pre-approval – What do I need?

Adulting 101: How to make a budget plan

You can take these 18 budgeting tips straight to the bank

Your financial aid guide: What are your options?

Webinar: AP automation for commercial real estate

How I did it: Learned to budget as a single mom

U.S. Bank Student Scholarship

Cryptocurrency custody 6 frequently asked questions

How you can take advantage of low mortgage rates

Depositary bank and collateral agent

Social Security benefits questions and answers

Multigenerational household financial planning strategies

Major purchases: How to pay for big ticket items

The different types of startup financing

Banking basics: Avoiding fraud and scams

Crack the SWIFT code for sending international wires

4 ways to outsmart your smart device

Buying a home Q&A: What made three homeowners fall in love with their new home

Working after retirement: Factors to consider

Why year-round giving is important

Why compound interest is important

What types of agency accounts are available for investors?

Personal loans first-timer's guide: 7 questions to ask

Consolidating debts: Pros and cons to keep in mind

Myth vs. truth: What affects your credit score?

Improving your credit score: Truth and myths revealed

How to spot a credit repair scam

Decoding credit: Understanding the 5 C’s

Dear Money Mentor: How do I set and track financial goals?

Understanding guardianship and power of attorney in banking

What I learned from my mom about money

Meet the student with a passion for science, helping others and reaching goals

Military finance: How to create a family budget after military service

6 ways to spring clean your finances and save money year-round

Managing money as a military spouse during deployment

How to cut mindless spending: real tips from real people

Real world advice: How parents are teaching their kids about money

What financial advice would you give your younger self?

Essential financial resources and protections for military families

How to stop living paycheck to paycheck post-pay increase

Practical money tips we've learned from our dads

What you need to know about renting

What’s in your emergency fund?

Certificates of deposit: How they work to grow your money

Dear Money Mentor: How do I pick a savings or checking account?

When to and benefits of refinancing a car loan

Car shopping: Buying versus leasing your next vehicle

How I did it: Deciding whether to buy an RV

What you should know about buying a car

I own two electric vehicles. Here’s what I’ve learned about buying and driving EVs.

Take the stress out of buying your teen a car

How to choose the best car loan for you

Give a prepaid rewards card for employee recognition

How I did it: Joined a board of directors

How AI in treasury management is transforming finance

Practical money skills and financial tips for college students

Tips for navigating a medical hardship when you’re unable to work

Making a ‘workout’ work out as a business

How and when to ask for a raise

Money management guide to financial independence

Money Moments: How to manage your finances after a divorce

Personal finance for teens can empower your child

5 unique ways to take your credit card benefits further

5 reasons why couples may have separate bank accounts

U.S. Bank asks: Transitioning out of college life? What’s next?

5 tips to use your credit card wisely and steer clear of debt

Co-signing 101: Applying for a loan with co-borrower

What’s a subordination agreement, and why does it matter?

Understanding the true cost of borrowing: What is amortization, and why does it matter?

What’s your financial IQ? Game-night edition

How to use debt to build wealth

How to talk about money with your family

How having savings gives you peace of mind

How to build credit as a student

30-day adulting challenge: Financial wellness tasks to complete in a month

How to protect your digital assets in your estate plan

5 ways to build your business through community engagement

Money Moments: Tips for selling your home

How I did it: My house remodel

Webinar: How to stay safe from cyberfraud

First-timer’s guide to savings account alternatives

How mobile point of sale (mPOS) can benefit your side gig

Everything you need to know about consolidating debts

Making the cross-border payment decision: Wire or international ACH?

Accommodating the growing complexity of private equity funds

Webinar: Robotic process automation

Does your savings plan match your lifestyle?

Student checklist: Preparing for college

Email marketing: 10 mistakes to avoid

Celebrity Cake Studio’s two decades of growth and success

Automating escheatment earns respected innovation award

How Al’s Breakfast is bringing people together

3 tips for saving money easily

What you should know about licensing agreements

Can faster payments mean better payments?

Webinar: CRE Digital Transformation – Balancing Digitization with cybersecurity risk

Hospitals face cybersecurity risks in surprising new ways

Webinar: CRE Digital Transformation – Balancing Digitization with cybersecurity risk

Resources for managing financial matters after an unexpected death

5 steps for creating an employee recognition program

Four ways to make a strong resume for your first real job

Webinar: Uncover the cost: College diploma

Answering the ABL question

DIY home projects 101: tips from a first-timer

Crypto + Homebuying: Impacts on the real estate market

Your quick guide to loans and obtaining credit

How to hire employees: Employee referral vs. external hiring

Myths vs. facts about savings account interest rates

Military homeownership: Your guide to resources, financing and more

U.S. Bank asks: Do you know your finances?

Break free from cash flow management constraints

BEC and deepfake fraud

Webinar: Bank Notes: College cost comparison

How you can prevent identity theft

How tenacity brought Taste of Rondo to life

Best practices for optimizing the tech lifecycle

Do I need a financial advisor?

How a bar trivia company went digital during COVID-19

Booming in the gig economy: A new chapter leveraging 45 years of experience

4 questions to ask before you buy an investment property

Your guide to starting a job: Resources to help along the way

4 steps that give your business an SEO boost

How much money do I need to start investing?

How do interest rates affect investments?

Healthcare costs in retirement: Are you prepared?

Good debt vs. bad debt: Know the difference

Preparing for homeownership: A guide for LGBTQ+ homebuyers

Parent checklist: Preparing for college

What you need to know about identity theft

Webinar: Tips to avoid today’s cyber threats

U.S. Bank asks: What do you know about credit?

Financial steps to take after the death of a spouse

Financial fitness quiz

Annual insurance review checklist

7 financial questions to consider when changing jobs

Webinar: 5 myths about emergency funds

How to best handle unexpected expenses

Enhancing the patient experience through people-centered payments

Digital trends poised to reshape hotel payments

Transition to international ACH

Maximizing your deductions: Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation

Unexpected cost savings may be hiding in your payment strategy

Evaluating interest rate risk creating risk management strategy

Authenticating cardholder data reduce e-commerce fraud

Ask an expert Q&A: 3 US ETF trends and their impact in Europe

Colleges respond to student needs by offering digital payments

Luxury jeweler enhances the digital billing and payment customer experience

How Everyday Funding can improve cash flow


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Loan approval is subject to credit approval and program guidelines. Not all loan programs are available in all states for all loan amounts. Interest rates and program terms are subject to change without notice. Mortgage, home equity and credit products are offered by U.S. Bank National Association. Deposit products are offered by U.S. Bank National Association. Member FDIC.